Saturday, March 1, 2008

Just keep knitting, just keep knitting, knitting, knitting

Like Dorie would have said in Finding Nemo if the movie had been about knitting. Here's the glove I made to match Mark's hat. Fits him just fine, if a little loose around the cuff. Next time I'll do the ribbing on smaller needles. Now I need to do the other glove, although the temptation to NOT do the other glove is huge.

I finished the glove in record time while the Little Man has been asleep on the couch since Wednesday. I'm trying very hard not to worry, knitting helps with that. He takes little sips of a Gatorade/pedialyte mix every so often, but hasn't eaten in 48 hours now. This morning his fever is gone and he's sitting up. Those are all good signs, except that he looks like this:

And Little Missy woke up with a headache and a fever. And so it goes.

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