Wednesday, March 12, 2008

OK, What?

So, I'm at the gym today, minding my own business, riding a bike and listening to frog calls on my mp3 player. Just a normal, quick workout for me, right? Frog calls are important, but I actually know some of them now and my mind wanders a bit. I glanced at the TV and saw a news report, or talk show report about Sally Kerns in Oklahoma.

Oh, my.

Comparing homosexuality to terrorism and a spreading cancer? Thank goodness we live in a country where we have freedom of speech and can respond to this elected representative.


Babette said...

Wasn't that fun? Glad your family had as much fun as ours. I'm just a bit sad we missed out on all of the wildlife. Although we did pet a boa.

Elizabeth said...

We also purchsed two rubber chickens and two screaming, flying monkeys...