Friday, May 2, 2008

Many Thanks

I'd like to thank everyone for their nice comments both on and off blog about my little guy's disastrous hair cut. It's been a heart wrenching, soul searching kind of a week for me and everyone has really helped pull me through.

I still don't like it. Yes, he looks cute, but I don't like him bald. OK, bald may be a BIT of an exaggeration, but that's how I think of him. It doesn't help that his eczema has returned to the backs of his knees, wrists, elbows and more on his face. This keeps him up at night scratching, he gets an hour or two of sleep at a stretch and then whimpers through a scratching jag. He's tired. I'm tired.

So, what really pulled me through and changed my mood around? A combination of three things: my library which orders books from me whenever I want them, my husband who picked it up for me, and reading this fabulous book! Yes, a knitting book made me see the brighter side of life for the first time in a week. I'm seriously sick. This knitting thing if a force to be reckoned with. In the past week I've also read a great book called Knitting Lace, which shows all 91 patterns in a 19-century sampler. When I have time, I want to do the sampler, but I checked on Amazon and the book is out of print with the price at $131. Ouch. I also read Lace Style and have picked out a few patterns to knit in there.

Big Girl Knits is a wonderful book. I read the Knitty blog and magazine, so I knew a new book was out, but this one arrived at the library first. Now I need to own them both. I have an 80 pound weight swing, have been yo-yo-ing my since my late 20s and have never wanted to knit something like a sweater for myself until I'm at the right weight. Even at the right weight, I'll still be bigger than most patterns allow for, and the advice in here for fit is fabulous and funny. I highly recommend the book for all knitters, big or not. I poured over it until midnight last night, dreamt about great patterns to knit for me and woke every couple of hours to soothe my little guy through another itching episode.

1 comment:

Babette said...

Knittherapy. Works for me, especially on planes...