Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm blushing...

I blush way too easily. And that makes me blush even more. It's a horrible condition that has plagued me since childhood. Now it's more funny than mortifying. But only a little bit.

Kim, whose blog I've been reading longer than any other - - has bestowed the Excellent award to my blog. I couldn't be more proud, or look more red in the face than green. Before I knew what a blog was, I knew Kim and knew she blogged. I thought it was cool, but didn't get it. Then I started reading her blog and - gasp! - actually commented on it. From her blogroll, I got to other blogs and so on and so on. I've learned so much by reading blogs, misery loves company and so does victory, inquisitiveness, even introspection. Kim's blog is funny, informative, supportive and just a complete slice of her every time she posts.

I learned what a cool, creative, fun and hip world this blogging thing is all about. But I don't consider myself to be cool, creative, fun or hip, so it never occurred to me to write one. And then something happened this fall and I thought I would try to blog. Just for me. One day at Boys Club I mentioned to Kim that I had been writing a blog and she almost peed in her pants from wanting to see it. But I wasn't ready to share it yet, it seemed too private and too raw. I got over that.

I don't know how many people read my blog and it doesn't matter all that much to me. It is nice to have an audience, to know that my words can be useful to someone other than me. Most people who read it seems to comment directly to my email instead of on the blog. I love writing it. Mark says I blog about things that keep me up at night and then I sleep better.

So, thanks Kim. I feel honored.

And now I'm passing this award on to Suton at Hers is a brand, spanking, new blog and really fun to read. I've read some of her posts outloud to my own kids so that we can share in the knowlege she posts. She puts tidbits of information in along with her life experiences, poems and stories. It's a great read. I hope you keep blogging, Suton. You have insight and talent that should be shared! Take good care of this award and pass it along to another deserving blogger.

1 comment:

Babette said...

Oh hey, wow, you really made me blush now. That was really sweet and I am so glad you took up blogging! You rock and I love seeing all you do every day with the kids. It adds another dimension to my understanding of my friend. Plus, I get to steal math tips. Ha.